Revolting recipe

For writing in RM 11, we have been making revolting recipes! These are foods made up of disgusting ingredients to make things like,  soggy sail soup, mouldy mushy cupcakes and more disgusting foods. My recipe was dingle berry dip, and my partner Hasi made some kaka finger chips to go with it.


For cybersmart we have to find attributing images.

My holidays

During the holidays I went out almost everyday doing all sorts of activities with my family. I went to the night markets heaps and had the viral strawberry chocolate. I also went and watched the transformers movie with my cousins, though I found it a bit boring because I had no idea what was going on most of the time. The ending of the movie really surprised me but I’m not going to give any spoilers. I also spent some time with my little cousins and did some baking with her, we made vanilla cookies with chocolate m&Ms in them and also regular chocolate chip cookies. They were delicious and we got to share them when some of my other little cousins came and visited. After we demolished the cookies I took them on a walk to the park and we played on the playground. After that I had to come back to reality and get ready for school the next day.

Cybersmart challenge

For cybersmart we had to make a Google form about anything wed like. I chose to do a whos most likely to ___ with my friends, this can be a fun way to find out things about your friends. Some of the questions are things like whos most likely to go to jail, or die in a horror movie first. With Google forms you can make it about anything and even make an escape room, have fun with it!


Tongan language week

Hasi, mati, me, Soana

Last Friday gts had their Tongan language week performance and  we got to showcase a traditional kava ceremony  followed with a tau’olunga and some food after. We showed a social, wedding, and royal kava ceremony and a milolua. After all of our performances were done we all ate some yummy Tongan/island food like chop suey, muscles, chicken and my favorite otai.


Today for maths we had to find out the probability of me picking out the color green. After writing down a table with all your data in it you can highlight and then turn it into any sort of chart/graph you need. Using a pie chart tells you each percentage of each color and that’s how I was able to find out I had a 20% chance of picking the color green.

You can also work it out by using P(E) = Chance of that event

Total number of outcomes


Last week a group of kids from team Tui went to a “friendly” volleyball comp at GI school. We vsed GI, Ruapotaka, Stanhope, and a couple of police officers. We ended up winning all of our games and came first place with the cops. It was such a fun experience and we’re planning to do it again soon!

Puberty plus

Yesterday we learnt about puberty and the positive changes our bodies will go through as we get older. We learnt about the female and male reproductive systems and other things like what a true friend is and consent. Knowing things like that at a young age is very important because it could come handy in the future.


Today for math Team Tui had to go onto the algebra slides and solve some problems including shapes. The problem me and my friends decided to do was this one including hexagons and trapezia.  We had to find a general rule and came to the conclusion that 4N+2 was appropriate.